Overview of SAFE AZ Model for Behavioral Health Providers
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Full course description
What you'll learn:
The "Overview of the SAFE AZ Model for Behavioral Health (BH) Providers" training is a self-paced course which includes seven modules, a summary, quiz, and course evaluation. The training consists of reading assignments, videos, and interactive learning exercises. The focus of the training is to teach Arizona BH professionals about the SAFE AZ safety model currently used by the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS). BH professionals play a critical role in DCS cases by helping parents and caregivers work toward the enhancement of protective capacities, so it is important that they have a working understanding of the model. This is just one course in a series of trainings focusing on child welfare topics and how you can achieve more successful outcomes for children and families.
Key objectives include:- Supporting and empowering caregivers while enhancing family relationships
- Protecting children through safety management
- Elevating the support afforded to caregivers through treatment or improvement planning.
Learning Objectives:
- M1-O1 Recognize the six key components of the SAFE AZ model (present danger, Family Functioning Assessment (FFA), safety plans, caregiver protective capacities, conditions for return, and family engagement)
- M1-O2 Identify the goal of the SAFE AZ model (accuracy, consistency, transparency, and best child & family outcomes)
- M1-O3 Identify ways in which DCS ensures the SAFE AZ model is systemic and sustainable; M2-O1 Identify characteristics of the present danger assessment (immediate, significant, and clearly observable)
- M2-O2 Recognize situations in which the present danger conditions of immediate, significant, and clearly observable apply
- M2-O3 Identify possible actions from the Present Danger Plan continuum
- M2-O4 Identify ways, in which understanding how DCS conducts present danger assessments is important to the work of behavioral health providers
- M3-O1 Identify the six domains of family functioning
- M3-O2 Recognize when a Safety Plan should be put in place by DCS
- M3-O3 Recognize the five threshold criteria used by DCS for assessing child safety
- M3-O4 Identify when a safety plan should be put in place
- M3-O5 Recognize the main focus of the FFA
- M3-O6 Recognize ways in which information gathered using the FFA can be utilized by behavioral health providers to improve outcomes for children and families
- M4-O1 Identify types of caregiver protective capacities (cognitive, behavioral, and emotional)
- M4-O2 Differentiate between protective capacities used by DCS and the protective factors framework used by behavioral health providers
- M4-O3 Recognize the importance of shared caregiver protective capacities language used between DCS and behavioral health providers
- M4-O4 Identify the benefits of enhanced caregiver protective capacities
- M5-O1 Recognize considerations for determining the least intrusive option for managing a Safety Threat
- M5-O2 Recognize conditions that make a Safety Plan sufficient to control the Safety Threat
- M5-O3 Identify the roles of Behavioral Health providers in safety planning for DCS cases
- M6-O1 Identify what is meant by "Conditions for Return"
- M6-O2 Recognize requirements of Conditions for Return required for children to be reunited with their families in DCS cases
- M7-O1 Identify ways family engagement enhances application of the SAFE AZ model
- M7-O2 Recognize ways in which use of family engagement by social workers and behavioral health professionals improves child and family outcomes
What will students do:
Module 1: Welcome, Training Introduction, and SAFE AZ Goal, Module 2: Present Danger Assessment, Module 3: Family Functioning Assessment (FFA), Module 4: Caregiver Protective Capacities, Module 5: Safety Plans, Module 6: Conditions for Return, and Module 7: Family Engagement
Who is this course designed for:
Arizona Behavioral Health Administrators (RBHA)
What you'll receive:
Certificate of completion