
Introduction to Lab Facilitation: Supporting Student Learning in a Blended & Digital Space


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Full course description




7.5 Hours






What you'll learn:

Participants who complete this module will:

  • Develop their understanding of the first unit they will facilitate in their role as a Lab Facilitator by preparing a quick-reference guide for their first unit.
  • Draft a vision statement capturing the kind of classroom culture they intend to build.
  • Set up their learning space in a way that facilitates student engagement and learning.
  • Take concrete steps toward building a strong, collaborative relationship with their collaborating teacher.
  • Take concrete steps toward building strong, positive relationships with students and families.
  • Communicate clear expectations to students.
  • Plan, teach, and reinforce clear, consistent procedures.
  • Leverage resources to support student learning.

What you'll do:

This course comprises two modules:

  1. Getting Ready to Become a Lab Facilitator
  2. Effective Lab Facilitation

As the titles suggest, the first module addresses what you should believe, know, and be able to do before beginning your role as a Lab Facilitator. The second module addresses what you should believe, know, and be able to do as you begin engaging with students.

Who this course is designed for:

This course is designed for individuals who intend to enter or have recently entered the role of Lab Facilitator in their schools.


What you'll receive:

Participants who complete the full training, including the associated assessments, will receive a certificate of completion for eight professional development hours.

Meet the instructor

Leslie Easton, M.Ed

Blended Learning Specialist

Leslie Easton has worked with K12 schools, teachers, and districts throughout Arizona helping to implement and support blended and digital learning models for their students. Leslie joined the ASU Prep Team in 2015 then joined the ASU Prep Digital Team in January 2018 after working six years in post-secondary and higher education. Leslie supports and provides training to 50 state-wide school partnerships who utilize a blended learning model through ASU Prep Digital. She is dedicated to supporting student success through innovative educational pathways and creating growth-minded relationships within the educational community throughout Arizona.