Introduction to Computer Science for Educators: Computational Thinking in the Classroom
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Full course description
What you'll learn:
Computational thinking is for everyone: readers, writers, artists, educators, mathematicians, historians, and scientists. Curious what computational thinking is all about and why it’s so often discussed in the context of computer science alone? Check out this course, in which you’ll learn the basics of computational thinking and how to integrate it into your K12 classroom, regardless of what subject area or grade level you teach. Note that no prior experience with computer science is necessary for enrollment in this course. All participants are welcome!
Modules and Content:
Participants who complete this course will:
- Define computer science and computational thinking and defend their critical relevance as fields of study in the K12 context
- Explain the relationship between computational thinking and algorithms, and demonstrate algorithmic thinking through generating pseudocode
- Cite research-based, practitioner-friendly examples of how one might integrate computational thinking into the K12 classroom
- Demonstrate foundational effectiveness navigating K12 computer science standards
- Create developmentally appropriate K12 lessons, activities, explorations, and assessments in which students learn about computational thinking, algorithms, and pseudocode
Who this course is designed for:
This course is designed for anyone interested in teaching K12 students computer science and/or computational thinking skills.
What you'll receive:
Participants who complete the full training, including the associated assessment, will receive a certificate of completion.
If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact Chelsea Nilsson (