Cultural Domain Analysis: Methods for Human Insight Research
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Full course description
What is a cultural domain?
A cultural domain is a group of items that somehow go together like kinds of healthy or unhealthy foods, things people can do to help the environment, product brands, kinds of animals or countries or illnesses, things you can do to treat a cold, ways to prevent pregnancy, and so on.
What is cultural domain analysis?
Cultural domain analysis (CDA) consists of a set of methods for collecting and analyzing data about lists of things in a cultural domain. The goal is to understand differences in how people in different cultures (or subcultures) view a set of things in a cultural domain. CDA comes from anthropology and is used in research in that field, but it has wide application in marketing, public health, education, environmental science and other fields.
What you'll learn in this course:
In this course, you'll learn:
- How to define a cultural domain
- Hands-on methods, like free lists and pile sorts, for collecting data about how groups of people think about a set of things in a cultural domain
- Methods for analyzing those data -- methods like multi-dimensional scaling, cluster analysis and cultural consensus analysis
- Methods for visualizing the results of your analysis in graphs
All of these methods are taught through lectures, demonstrations and practical exercises with software*.
A Windows Operating System environment is required in order to successfully complete the activities in this course.
How can I use cultural domain analysis in my career?
Cultural domain analysis (and the methods of cognitive anthropology in general) are immediately useful in many careers, including all of the social sciences (anthropology, sociology, psychology, social psychology, political science and economics) as well as in marketing and user experience studies, public health, environmental research, urban planning, criminology, communications -- in fact, in any field where the goal is to learn how individuals and teams of people categorize the world and how these views on the world impact their work.
What you'll receive:
You'll earn a professional certificate and a badge you can place on your LinkedIn profile to show your mastery of cultural domain analysis and of applications of cognitive anthropology.