Certificate in Clinical Genetics for Health Professionals
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Full course description
This course is offered for up to 3.15 ASHA CEUs (Advanced level, Related area)
Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, knowledge about genes and chromosomes has made tremendous advances into the everyday practice of medicine. The improved understanding of the underlying genetic contributions to disease and how to use genomic information to optimize health care treatment plans for patients has not always been taught in professional training programs.
The purpose of this certificate is to provide health care professionals with a broad overview of genetics and to demonstrate how to incorporate genomic medicine in their current practice. This certificate is not intended to create experts in genetics or genetic counseling, but rather to enhance genetic knowledge and strengthen the skills of providers to recognize the indicators for referral to a genetics professional.
The certificate program is taught by experts in the field of clinical genetics. It is designed as an interactive, online, self-paced program with case-based applications. No prior knowledge of genetics is required and there are no prerequisites to take this course.
By completing this certificate, a participant should be able to:
- Describe the important role of genetics knowledge in the current standard of care for various medical problems throughout the spectrum of life.
- Apply foundational aspects of genetics to case-based scenarios.
- List and describe the various types of services offered by genetics specialists.
- Identify “red flags” for a possible genetic etiology based on various patient presentations and make appropriate referrals to a genetics specialist.
- Distinguish between the different types of genetic testing and, using a case-based approach, create a treatment plan that incorporates referral to a genetic specialist for appropriate clinical signs and symptoms.
- Compare direct-to-consumer genetic tests to clinical genetic testing in order to help guide patients appropriately.
- Describe the process for interpreting basic genetic testing results for common inheritable disease states.
- Identify common heritable diseases and describe the initial work-up for genetic testing/referral for particular patient populations in at least one of the following specialty areas: pediatrics, oncology, cardiology, neurology, preconception and prenatal.
In order to receive CME/CE credit, participants must pass all end-of-module knowledge checks with 80% accuracy.
Participants must:
- Complete Core Modules 1 through 6.
- Complete at least 1 out of 5 Specialty Modules.
- Submit a pre-course survey prior to beginning the course.
- Submit a post-course survey upon completion of the final module.
You can review the syllabus and disclosure information here.
Who this certificate is designed for:
Health care professionals in clinical practice from all facets of care, including providers in the areas of: Pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology and specialty areas of medicine such as oncology, neurology and cardiology.
It is intended for health care providers such as physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, occupational and physical therapists, speech language pathologists, audiologists, and many others who are practicing in one of the medical areas listed above.