
ASU & Mayo Clinic Health and Well-being Certificate


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Full program description




Self-Paced; 50 Hours






What is health and wellness?

Some people use the terms “health” and “well-being” interchangeably. But the definition of each term has a different meaning. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. So, health goes beyond the absence of disease.

Well-being, on the other hand, is a personal decision to make changes toward a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. A person’s devotion to wellness centers around enhancing their complete well-being. This holistic view of well-being includes the optimal health of the body, mind and spirit.

Online health and wellness program to boost your well-being:

This series of five health and wellness courses explores topics related to the body, mind and spirit. These include mindfulness, nutrition, sleep, physical fitness and holistic well-being. The online health and wellness program will teach you how to reduce stress, eat healthier, sleep better, exercise more and improve your whole body.

Your health and well-being training includes modules on self-care and self-compassion. You’ll also learn about the current state of nutrition and physical activity in the U.S. Do sleep hygiene, proper nutrition and stress management also pique your interest? If so, this health and wellness program covers it all.

Health classes included in this wellness program:

Learn from health and wellness professionals at ASU and Mayo Clinic:

Arizona State University Alliance for Health Care and Mayo Clinic have joined forces to create this comprehensive health and wellness program. ASU is ranked No. 1 in innovation and Mayo Clinic is the No. 1 hospital in the U.S.* The health and wellness program uses evidence-based content from Mayo Clinic, one of the world’s leading experts in medical education, research and practice.

You'll learn from well-being officers, nutrition experts, fitness coordinators and more. They’ll share expert insight to help you incorporate health and wellness practices into your daily life. You'll complete exercises through online videos, articles and hands-on techniques.

What are the benefits of a wellness program?

If you want to improve your quality of life, you have to uphold an optimal level of health and wellness. Since well-being encompasses various aspects of our lives, such as mental and physical health, it’s important to understand how science-based techniques for health and wellness can have a positive impact on our lives.

You can reap a range of benefits by participating in a well-being program. These benefits include increased energy, weight management, improved sleep and increased productivity. A wellness program can also teach you how to relieve stress, reduce the risk of illness and create a happier and healthier life.

ASU and Mayo Clinic designed these health classes for anyone interested in the benefits of enhanced well-being. From managing stress to building resilience, you’ll learn how to make healthier choices and become the best version of yourself.

What will you earn after completing this well-being training?

You’ll earn a professional certificate and a badge you can place on your LinkedIn account to showcase your advanced abilities in health and wellness practices. No continuing nursing education contact hours are provided for this course.

*U.S. News & World Report 2019-2020