
Hacking the System: Using Gamification to Eradicate the Endless Pleas for Late Work


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1 hour






Innovation Week

This session is part of something remarkable: a month-long celebration of innovative energy designed to educate, engage, and inspire. Once you enroll in this session, remember to check out your dashboard to see your personal learning path. We can't wait to innovate with you!

Hacking the System: Using Gamification to Eradicate the Endless Pleas for Late Work

Year after year students clamor for a free pass. "So sorry this is late, but..." they begin, then spout their woes in hopes you'll stamp their work as ON TIME rather than LATE.

You're a professor, but you're also human. Your thoughts range from "Do I take pity on this poor soul?" to asking in the mirror, "Why are you such a hardass?"

Enter gamification. Using video game strategy you can hack into their procrastination system and rewire their internal hard drive. How? By adding two clever modules: Side Quests and Item Shoppes.

Side Quests (unlike required Main Quests) are optional assignments that tie into learning objectives and reward with gold they can "spend" at the Item Shoppe. Item Shoppes, akin to armories and magic shops in video games, offer nifty gadgets worth buying. EXAMPLES: the "Veil of Forgetfulness" which allows students to sneak into the professor's office and change their grade on one assignment; or the "Tilted Hourglass" which extends a deadline by one week.

This session will demonstrate how to use gamification, show examples of gamification, and provide tools for creating your own "gamified" Canvas shell.

Badging Learning Outcomes

Creative Ideator, Innovator's Mindset, Innovative Communicator

Participants Welcomed:

Teachers, Faculty


G. Layne Gneiting