
Being a Team Leader- Alumni


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Full course description




1.5 Hours






This course is available to ASU Alumni at a discount

What you'll learn:

Working in a team setting is an ongoing component of being a professional, as well as a regular aspect of everyday life. As a result, everyone will have to lead a team at some point within their career. Leading a team can seem overwhelming because there are often multiple people relying on the team leader for direction and leadership. In this course, you will discover what it takes to be a team leader, how leading a team can contribute to your career, and how to be effective in this role.

Modules and Content:

In this course, students explore team building and development. This course provides plenty of practice for students to apply the key concepts and address the skills necessary for team building. Course assessments will allow students to check for understanding of the course material.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the benefits of working in teams
  • Foster relationships
  • Overcome resistance
  • Use team-building activities
  • Create a team identity
  • Cope with conflict and ego
  • Deal with difficult team members


Meet the instructor

G. Layne Gneiting, PhD

Dr. Layne has been called the Indiana Jones of Education. When he’s not teaching Leadership and Integrative Thinking he’s leading cycling adventures in stunning places across the globe. His Dream is three-fold: cycle every country in the world, transform education, and create the seminal work on Dreams.