
Understanding Office Protocols and Politics - Alumni


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Full course description




1.5 Hours






This course is available to ASU Alumni at a discount

What you'll learn:

Engaging in office politics are often thought of as taboo. However, understanding office protocols and politics can keep you ahead in the game and advance your career. While office politics were once thought of as a negative aspect of the workplace, the exploration of positive participation is on the rise. In this course, you’ll identify political behavior and learn to positively use office politics to improve your position at work.

Modules and Content:

In this course, students will be presented key concepts and examples that are related to real-world problems. Students will view videos demonstrating good and bad examples to reinforce the key concepts.Course activities and assessments challenge the students as they practice what they have learned.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the system.
  • Identify powerful people.
  • Cooperate with decision makers.
  • Develop diplomacy skills.
  • Choose your battles.
  • Cultivate allies.
  • Deal with negative politics.
  • Develop power and influence.


Meet the instructor

Robert Kirsch, PhD

Dr. Robert Kirsch is Assistant Professor of Leadership and Interdisciplinary Studies at Arizona State University. His research focuses on theories of institutional change, development and evolution, as well as cultivating critical perspectives in leadership theory.